...saw a mermaid holding a sharp object. She was staring at me. I wanted to run away but it was like she was pulling me into the ocean. I yelled, having no escape as she stared into my soul!!! Then, I was getting pull towards the ocean and the blue sky turned into a sunset. The mermaid then lunged at me with her sharp object in hand. I jumped out of the way as fast as I could, in turn making me fall backwards into the water. I screamed underwater as the mermaid swam toward me, looking like she was about to attack. What do I do? It all started in when I was in the middle of the desert looking for water when I hallucinated and saw water. And saw a mermaid holding a sharp object. (EM, LP, CF)
...found out we were going to California with my Dad. 50 years later, they go to visit California again to find it has been...demolished! Now known as the new Atlantis. They crashed but luckily escaped the plane. They swam to an island where they ate coconuts, pineapples, played the ukulele and lived happily ever after. (HK, AD, NW, KM)
...found out that there was a weirdo behind me! Then the weirdo said, "I had lost my head when I was zero." "Well that's freaky," I said. Then the weirdo said, "I blame you because I lost my heat at zero." You are older than me, so how could I chop off your head?" I said. "Who care, I still want to kill you!" the weirdo said. Then I ran away and when I looked back to see if the weirdo was following me, but he was gone? (JK, SM)
...saw that I'm actually a unicorn dancing on a rainbow. (LP)
...saw your shimmering scales unnoticeable in the sky. You all of the sudden see an island with a rainbow over it. Or rather 50,000 rainbows! "Oh no!" you think. "Unicorns!" You thought you can land on the island after you've been flying over the ocean, diving in and out of the freezing ocean attempting to catch a fish. The rainbows were protecting the island. The dragon tried to get into the island but he could not get in because the rainbows protected the island. Then the dragon gave up. He went back to the ocean and tried to catch the fish, then oh no! A shark jumps out of the water and ate the dragon's head. (KM, JK, HK)
...saw seventeen dollars on the floor wow! I was so happy that I showed my mom and she was so surprised! My mom was so surprised she stole my seventeen dollars and ran away. I robbed the grocery store, found my mom, and ran off into the distance. Then we tripped, and we were sent to prison for 588 years. (EM, HK, AD)
...found a secret supply of ice cream!! There were so many flavors. I took 5 containers called my friends and we made the ultimate ice cream sunday then we made a huge milk shake. The next day I took a kiddie pool filled it with ice cream and had a pool party. A few weeks passed and I got sick of ice cream but then I found the secret supply of gummy worms. But I never got to eat them because my ballet-loving sister kicked them out of my hands doing a very, very bad pirouette. (NW, AD)
...found a completely awesome, totally magical secret path. By the way, my name is Maddie. But that's not important. So this path magically opened when I said the word, "circle" and have no idea why. Who cares. But I got so obsessed with figuring out different passwords to connected paths that I lost track of time before I suddenly remembered to go back home and I found myself in a mother-yelling-and-you-try-to-explain-but-she's-still-angry situation. Whatever. So I had to do a bunch of work for 2 hours before I was allowed to pack and have a normal mother and life again. I really wanted to go back to my private paths but I was busy so I came back to them after the beach. But the best part is, I found a secret cave! and some other things. But my private, awesome cave! (KM)
...There was a boy. His name was Mike he was ten years old. he went for a walk in the park. and I must say he had the worst walk in his life. But then there was a portal and he thought should I go in or not. Then he just ran into the portal But he just bounced back out of the portal, like there was a glitch. But then he had a brain overload from too much magical information. later in the hospital he has gotten gray hairs and turns into a 100 year old man. But then, he gets out of bed, learns he can do the moonwalk, and ends up in the portal. (JK, CF, NW)
...found a tree, not just any tree, but an oak tree. This oak tree was tall, it towered at about 50 meters in the sky. This oak tree was thick, about 4 feet wide, this oak tree had many leafy branches, about 100 of them dropping their leaves on me, this oak tree was magical. Everyday this summer it rained (cause it was in Ireland), it would get struck by lightning, glow like red hot coals, then go brown again. Suddenly, its branches reached down and scooped me up off the ground, and, without hesitation, gobbled me up using a mouth looking thing that emerged out of the bark. The next thing I knew I was walking... (SM)
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